The artist is a pedophile creates a sex doll of a child

Everything in this world everything is interconnected, the disappearance of even the smallest insects from the ecosystem can cause serious imbalances.
But without which our planets will definitely become better, so it is not pedophilia. No matter how much people tried to ignore that perverted madness, it does not cease to exist. But most interesting is that even among pedophiles there are people who understand that their hobby isn't normal, and they want to try to get rid of it or at least keep it in check.
Artist named Shin Takagi (Takagi Shin) creates a sex doll in the form of children for pedophiles
In 2013 more than 13 boxes of these disgusting creatures was detained at the border of Australia, including the party "creations" Shin Takagi

Sam Shin Takagi calls himself an artist and officially considers himself a pedophile
He also claims that by creating these realistic dolls, he seeks to save these children from violence, by suppressing the desires of pedophiles
"I help people to Express their wishes legally and ethically," said he. Whatever high ideas of the "artist" didn't want to justify their creations, party dolls was destroyed by the Australian border service
In accordance with Australian customs laws for knowingly importing an incorrect goods of the offender will be fined in the amount of $ 450 000, imprisonment for a term of 10 years, or both.