In Kapchagai sect forcibly keeps people in a network there was video.

City Portal - Bay Kapshagay: Today Aug 7, 2016 at six o'clock in the evening the girl, accompanied by two officers of the Kapshagay city police Department, tried to escape from the clutches of their sects, according to her husband, who, as seen in the video recording, do forcibly contain the building in the centre of the city of Kapchagay, without any signs or symbols, protected by barbed wire reports - Bay Kapshagay.
The police man was released and after talking on the phone with someone, went about his business.
City Portal - Kapshagay Bay: a call to the police Department of Kapchagay, except for swearing on the part of the assistant on duty, gave nothing, reports Bay Kapshagay" with reference to the national Reporter.
We appeal to the public of Kazakhstan with the request to draw the attention of law enforcement and to take action!.
City Portal - Bay Kapshagai, which the 30 best countries we will fall, if the centers of our cities are building a sect, which forcibly keep the free citizens of Kazakhstan???.
«Этого мужчину туда отправили его же родители. А эта женщина, которая приходила и жаловалась, что это секта — его подруга, с которой они вместе распивали спиртные напитки. Сотрудники организации говорили, что без разрешения родителей они не могут выпустить мужчину. А так как эта женщина никем ему не приходится, они и не хотели ей его отдавать», — сообщили в пресс-службе ДВД области.